About Us
Founded in August 2009, Le Fashion Lab is a fashion-design school specializing in preparing emerging designers to build their fashion businesses from the ground up. Our exclusive 1, 1.5 and 2-year programs are specially curated and streamlined to offer our students all the design, technical and business skills needed to launch their fashion brands.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does it take to complete the program?
We offer three programs – a 1-yr Daytime Program, 2-yr Evening Program, and a 2-yr Weekend Program.
In January, the options are: 1-yr Daytime Program, Wed & Fri, 9 am – 3 pm. 2-yr Evening Program, Tues & Thurs, 6 – 8:30 pm.
In August, the options are: 1-yr Daytime Program , Tues & Thurs, 9 am – 3 pm. 2-yr Weekend Program, Saturdays, 9 am – 3 pm.
2. Can I pick and choose the classes I’d like to take?
The classes are set up in sequential order based on the necessary skills for success so we don’t allow students to self-select classes; however, if you have prior experience from another school, we do offer the ability to test out of classes should you have already gained the skills necessary for success.
3. Do you issue homework/assignments?
Yes, homework is a very important part of our program. Completed homework is essential to ensure success. On average, our 2-yr students spend a minimum of 2.5 hours a week on their homework/assignments outside of class time; while our 1-yr students spend a minimum of 5 hours outside of class.
4. Do you provide a diploma or certificate on completion?
Le Fashion Lab provides a certificate of completion to all students.
5. Is Le Fashion Lab licensed?
Le Fashion Lab is licensed by the Georgia Nonpublic Post Secondary Education Commission.
6. Is Le Fashion Lab accredited?
No, Le Fashion Lab is not accredited. We are exploring the requirements to become accredited in the future.
7. Is there an age limit to attend?
There is no upper age limit; 100+ yr.-old, gladly welcomed! While there is no strict lower age limit, our program is best suited for a mature, hard-working student with a proven track record of excellence. As such, we’re best suited for 18-yr-olds and above; but will gladly consider a highly accomplished, self-motivated 14-16 yr-old on a case-by- case basis.
8. What is your tuition cost?
Making fashion education affordable is a key value of Le Fashion Lab. We are proud that our program is just 10-25% of the cost of a traditional fashion college as we don’t waste your time or money on unnecessary classes. To get more specific information about this, we encourage you to fill out our free application which will only take 5-10 minutes to complete. This allows us to gather more information about you to determine which of our programs is the right fit for you. Ultimately, you will be invited to an Informational where you will receive detailed information about our program, including the cost of tuition.
9. Does Le Fashion Lab issue grades?
Yes, Le Fashion Lab issues alpha grades ranging from A for excellent work; to F for a fail. More details about this are given at Orientation and are included in our catalogue.
10. When does your semester start?
August semesters typically start the last week in August.
January semesters typically start the first or second week in January.
11. For the Saturday program, would I have to attend every Saturday?
Yes, our program is fast paced, allowing you to gain the skills you need much faster than other schools. Given that, weekly attendance is very important.
12. Do you accept VA benefits?
Yes, we do!
13. What is your policy on make-up classes?
Le Fashion Lab does not offer makeup classes. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure attendance to all classes.
However, in the case of provable emergencies, we will try to provide resolutions on a case-by- case basis.
14. What is your policy on attendance?
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure attendance to all classes.
However, in the case of provable emergencies, we will try to provide resolutions on a case-by- case basis.
15. When do your semesters break?
Typically we have the following breaks:
* from Thanksgiving to the new year (approximately 6 weeks) * approximately the last week in April * approximately the second-to-last week in August
Also, we observe Independence Day (July 4th).
17. Can I start in one program, then transfer to another? (for example, start in the evening program then transfer to the daytime program?)
We discourage transfers, as we can never guarantee there will be open spots available in another program. Please speak to us if you have any particular questions or concerns on this topic.
17. What if I’ve already taken some of these classes (whether at Le Fashion Lab or elsewhere), would I have to retake them?
We are happy to schedule prospective students for a Sewing, Patternmaking or Draping test. Based on the results of that test, the Instructor(s) will make a recommendation as to the class the student should start with (or classes that can be waived).
For 2-d/Portfolio classes (such as sketching, illustration, photoshop or Illustrator), we will be happy to review prospective student portfolios. On a case-by-case basis, we might also issue in- person tests in these categories.
18. Does Le Fashion Lab assist with job placement upon completion?
Most of our students are budding entrepreneurs, so job-placement is not their central concern.
However, while we cannot guarantee job placement – we are often contacted to let our students know about various opportunities; and we continue to build vital relationships and extra-curricular activities to promote student success through job placement or entrepreneurship, depending on the student’s interest.
19. Can I still do the program even if I don’t have a goal of starting my own fashion business?
Yes, we are here to support our student’s goals and dreams whether you are starting your own fashion business or wanting to gain indepth knowledge & skills in fashion design.
20. What are your class sizes?
Our max class size is 8 students to 1 instructor. Small class sizes allow us to give much more hands on support to our students vs. other fashion programs and we find this sets our students up for success.
21. Are there more hours in the 1-yr program vs the 2-yr program?
No, the programs have the same content.
22. Does Le Fashion Lab provide scholarships?
At this time, we do not.
23. Does Le Fashion Lab accept federal financial aid?
At this time, we do not. However, we do accept veterans’ benefits.
For newly enrolled students, we work with a third-party lender that might be able to provide credit-based personal loans and credit card options.
24. How do students typically invest in the program?
Our students typically invest in their training through credit card, personal loans, savings, or a combination of these.
25. What if I’ve never sewn on sketched before?
This is not a requirement to be accepted into our program.
26. What credentials do I need to be accepted?
A High School diploma or GED are needed for acceptance into Le Fashion Lab. Acceptance is also based on application and interview. Candidates with a proven track record of commitment to excellence, true passion for the fashion industry, in addition to “coachability” and a positive attitude, plus transferable skills and an understanding of basic math will be given preference.
27. Do I need a portfolio to gain acceptance into Le Fashion Lab?
28. What is the application process?
First step – complete our application (Questionnaire/Application Form)
Second step – pending an accepted application, students are invited to schedule a phone interview.
Third step – pending a successful phone interview, students are invited to an in-person Informational at Le Fashion Lab.
29. Do you provide visas for International students?
At this time, we do not.
In other words… say goodbye to student loan debt; say goodbye to unnecessary prerequisite classes; say hello to the future of Fashion Education
Frequently Asked Questions - Online Programs
1. How are online classes conducted, compared to in-person classes?
Online Classes
Le Fashion Lab’s Online classes are held via Zoom, Video Communications Platform. Online classes are conducted in much the same way as in-person classes, with instructors staying with students for the entire duration of all class sessions
Instructors are equipped with all necessary equipment to facilitate demonstrations. This includes tripods and tripod arm extensions to conduct demonstrations as they normally would in an in-person class.
Likewise, students come prepared with the same equipment to ensure instructors can see/watch their progress as they work, in order to facilitate instructor-to-student feedback.
2. How do online classes work?
Students and instructors are provided with a Zoom link prior to the beginning of classes. To facilitate ease-of-learning, students use the same zoom link for the entire duration of classes for the semester.
As part of the orientation process, students taking online classes schedule a mandatory equipment check-in prior to the start of classes. This check-in is overseen by a Le Fashion Lab representative and ensures that students:
i. have all equipment necessary to facilitate their online learning
ii. that equipment is properly set up
iii. understand how equipment will be used during class(es)
iv. can “hit the ground running” on the first day of class, with little-to-no technical glitches.
As part of the onboarding process, instructors are also trained on how to use Zoom software to facilitate their classes. This also includes a mandatory equipment check-in prior to the start of online classes. On a case-by-case basis where it is deemed necessary, new online instructors also sit-in on in-progress online classes in their subject area, to ensure they are fully supported/trained before leading a class on their own.
3. Is tuition the same for online and in-person?
4. What is needed/ required of students who enroll in the online course?
In terms of credentials: Same credentials as in-person students.
In terms of equipment: You will need a 5ft tripod, a tripod arm, and a gooseneck flexible desk clamp. Total cost for this equipment is about $75 – $100.
Online students are also expected to have good internet connection and sewing machines that are in exceptional working condition to avoid delays/interruptions in class.
5. Is meeting in person ever necessary?
6. Do students have the same success rate as students who’ve taken in person classes?
Yes! As online classes are much the same as in-person classes, our success rate is the same. One additional benefit we’ve observed with online classes is that students quickly develop more self-reliance and independence in their practice.

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